3rd Annual NoHu Short Film Festival
The 3rd Annual NoHu Short Film Festival was held on Wednesday, September 29, 2010 at 7:00 PM at the Jose Marti Freshman Academy, 1800 Summit Avenue in Union City. The community was invited to enjoy some of the best short films from local and international filmmakers.
The Awards Ceremony & Artists Recognition Ceremony was held on Saturday, October 2nd at 7:00 PM. The public was able to meet and greet all the artists that participated in this year's film festival.
The Winners are:
Under a City Tree
MeLu Films/El Gitano Discreto Productions
2nd Place
Simply Magnificent
Directed by Taras Kardashov & Leonid Filatov
3rd Place
Open Window
Directed by Gustavo Marquez
Producer/Writer Saulo Diaz
Editor/Writer Felipe Medina
Actor Sebastian Medina
4th Place
Spherical Coordinates
by Gregg Biermann
5th Place
Last Things Last
by Greg King
Mike Jaworski
Greg King
Wes Kline
Gregg Biermann
Gustavo Marquez
Felipe Medina
Saulo Diaz
Sebastian Medina
Lucio Fernandez
Jay Gonzalez
Taras Kardashov
Leonid Filatov